Saturday, 9 March 2013

Curry and Deep Cove

So I guess it has been two weeks since the last entry. Bit of a worry because I think I am doing less interesting stuff. Gotta do more of that. Hayden also just started his blog so I better not pike on this blogging thing!

One thing that is pretty exciting for me but probably not for anyone else is cooking a mean curry in the slow cooking I found in the cupboard. I figured it couldn't be too hard so I bought a whole heap of veges and chopped em up. I couldn't find nice fatty coconut cream at the super so I just had to settle for coconut milk. I also didn't really know what paste to buy so I ended up doing a butter beef. I guess thats a thing somewhere. Here are before and after photos:

It was pretty yum which a good thing as I made a metric shit tonne of it. I ate it for dinner every day of the week and then froze a couple of meals worth!

Last Saturday a guy form the choir was having drinks and jamming so I went along to that. There was a pretty good group of us there: Matt, Sarah, Bob, Rhoddy, Stef, Sy Yunn and Colin. It was pretty funny playing with a group of fairly musical people as everyone is busting out harmonies all over the shop. I probably ended up playing guitar for about 6 hours straight so my finger tips were pretty ruined at the end.

Sunday was a fantastic day so Sarah and I decide to get out and aboot and check out Deep Cove. It was on the North Shore and I was pretty stoked to finally be getting out of the city. It was pretty busy when we got there so we spent a while finding a park. There was a bit of a walk to do to get to a look out. The forest could definitely be New Zealand:

The walk was probably about 30min and at the end there was just a big ole rock cliff thing so it opened up to a great view:

Out to the right is Vancouver and you could see a couple of tall buildings in the distance. Pretty awesome spot for only being a 30min drive from downtown!

During the week I finally got to see Sound City which was cool. A film Dave Grohl directed about a recording studio in LA that was closing down. The studio had a legendary Neve control desk at was responsible for about a billion big names getting their albums into the world. Very cool film.

The choir is pretty good. We are learning some hilarious choreo for a couple of the songs and I am struggling a bit with the singing and moving thing when I am trying to learn both at the same time.

Last night I went and had a jam with Brice (from the choir) and a mate of his. I didn't really know what I was getting into as they had actually rented a space to play. I did a poor effort of convincing anyone I knew how to play a bass guitar but all in all it was pretty mint. Brice is a pretty mean guitarist and had a voice effects box which was cool. Good times.

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